Friday, 7 December 2012

Computer Viruses And There Types

Computer viruses: Computer viruses are nothing but just a program that is made to do there job. They are designed to corrupt the files of your computer. Sometime because of these viruses your important files has been deleted. These viruses are like enemy of your computer. Here in this blog I describe various type of computer viruses which are harmful for your computer.

Types of computer virus:

Trojan horse- Trojan horse also called sometime Trojan is just like a hacker who takes the unauthorized access of your computer and steals the information from your computer. 

Direct action virus- A direct action virus is a virus that infects the files of your computer. This direct action virus installed in your computer and hide anywhere in the computer’s memory. As its name suggest it directly affects the files of your computer.

Boot virus- This virus is also like other computer virus that affect your computer system. Boot virus infects system sector part of your computer.

Macro virus- This macro virus infects the files and application of your computer system like Microsoft word and similar applications.

E-mail virus- Email viruses are attached with your computer. It is like hacker which hacked the important security information of your email account like password and other security information of your account.

Above are the description of computer viruses that makes your computer not working fine or make your computer to be crash. So, computer repair is essential to make your computer virus free.

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