Many times it happens that when you are using your computer it suddenly restarts automatically. This problem is happens with almost all the computer users so to solve this problem i am here with my blog to make you aware about the main cause of this restart problem of computer.
Some common causes and their solutions that will make your computer automatic restart.
1 Problems related to drivers of the computer: Driver of a computer system are a set of programs that are designed to make the interaction of hardware and peripherals with the CPU. These drivers may get corrupted while updating through internet.To solve this problem you need to go at My Computer option and make a right click on it and choose the option Properties after that you have to select Hardware and then select the option Device Manager. Now you see a list of device drivers after that you have check that if there any yellow warning signs in front of them it shows that your drive is corrupted and to remove it you need to go for driver repair to get driver backup or reinstall the driver.
2- Problem related to overheating: Overheating is also main of this problem mainly in case of laptop. To remove this overheating problem you need to replace the cooling fan your system. This overheating problem is mainly happens because of bad quality fan used in system. So, you have to select the best quality cooling fan for your system.
3- Viruses: Viruses are the most important factor that make your computer restart again and again. So,to safe your computer from virus attack you need to choose the best antivirus software for your computer.
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